
聖書には、「盲人が盲人を導く」という興味深い一節があります。「彼らは盲人の道案内をする盲人だ。盲人が盲人の道案内をすれば、二人とも穴に落ちてしまう。」 マタイ伝の中でキリストの言葉が引用されていますが、これは肉体的な視覚障害のことではなく、神の心を理解していない当時の宗教指導者と呼ばれる人々の心の盲目のことを語っています。盲人が盲人を導くことができないように、心が盲目である人、つまり心や霊的な事柄を真に理解していない人が、自分の心の苦しみや盲目さを認めて助けを求めている人を助けようとするのです。

Blind Leading the Blind?

Donald Thomson – National Director
The other day while I was walking to a restaurant for lunch I noticed a blind man in his sixties, starting to cross the road, but not on the crosswalk. He seemed very confident in where he was going as he tapped his white stick back and forth. I stopped to see that he would make it across the road safely, but then he suddenly stopped, turned around and started walking directly towards a car that had stopped! The man was obviously lost. So, I quickly stepped into the road, and gently guided him back to the sidewalk. He asked, “is this the sidewalk” and then asked where the computer store was. I looked around and noticed the sign of the computer store further down on the sidewalk we were on. I then gently guided him to the tactile tiles that were on the sidewalk, and told him that the computer store was straight ahead. So off he went walking along the tiles, and tapping his way towards the store.
As I was reflecting on this incident over lunch, I felt a tremendous compassion for this man and was happy that I had been there at the right time to help him.
I have always admired blind people and how they try to get about in society with minimal help.
Helping a blind person is always a great privilege, and is the duty of anybody who has sight.
The only reason I could help him, was because I could see. Having sight is such a great privilege that we often take for granted.
The Bible has an interesting verse that talks about the “the blind leading the blind.
“They be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”
Here Christ is quoted in the Book of Matthew, talking not about physical blindness, but about spiritual blindness of the so-called religious leaders of the day, who were not understanding the heart of God. Just as it is impossible for a blind person to lead another blind person, so a person who is blind spiritually—in other words, not having true understanding of spiritual and matters of the heart, tries to help people who admit to their pain and blindness and are seeking help.
Do we sometimes try to help people in areas where we have no true understanding or knowledge? Are we actually like a blind person trying to lead a blind person?
The only way we are truly going to be able to help people is to have our own eyes opened first.
Our world is often led by “blind leaders”, who make matters worse.
Sometimes we may see in part, but our view is narrowed by our preconceived ideas, biases and lack of understanding.
We, at Operation Blessing seek to be a team that develops eyes to see, ears that hear, minds that think, and hearts that seek truth, knowledge and wisdom to help those in need、and guide them onto sustainable recovery.
Donald Thomson
National Director
Operation Blessing Japan